CEDI’s TDC~Winchester networking series has finally kicked off – the first event (24th Sept 2021) was an Introduction and tour of the new building at West Downs housing our new Collaborative Space, Digital Media Studio, 3D Lab and our CEDI Lab.
Yesterday’s event was for students and industry to learn more about industry practice and how practice informs research via a presentation by Dr Debs Wilson. This was followed by an excellent presentation by two of our 3D year students who worked on the Malmesbury Unreal project as 2nd years, and who are continuing to work with the client in providing Anglo Saxon buildings and extended buildings to Malmesbury Abbey in the medieval period (1500s).
Richard Coope very kindly presented the Winchester Creatives project, a fantastic mentoring programme for graduates, 5 of whom come from our Digital Media Postgraduate programme. A celebration of the success of this project, and that each of those graduates are now fully employed in degree related industries, is being held on the 29th October, as one of our networking events. All are invited.
Richard is also kindly putting on his ‘Screw It, Let’s Do It’ talk on the 3rd December, with graduates from Winchester Creatives also talking about their experiences with Winchester Creatives.